Perception also drives generosity, which is in some cases justified. Ironically, these are the times when they need the most help! As I sat thinking about this, I wondered whether there was something one could do to help out, without really feeling the financial burden.
The psychology of giving hasn't changed with the change in the state of the economy. It still feels darn good to give. I like the feeling - maybe I give only to get that feeling -perhaps I am not a truly altruistic person but it is better to give for any reason, than to not give at all! Here are the top five ways I figured I could make a difference and feel good about myself. I chose them based on a combination of personal interest, personal ability to contribute and ease of execution. Most people I know are leading extremely busy lives and lack of time is as much a deterrent to the process of giving as lack of money. So without further ado:
1. Channel your inner Edward Cullen - Donate blood! This is easy to do. Most of us have participated in this before. It doesn't take too long to do. It isn't too difficult to execute. And most people come across the blood donation drives in their neighbourhoods, schools, colleges, offices etc. If you are unable to find a location, check out the American Red Cross sponsored site.
Tip: Check out the link This provides an easy way to find a location near you
Feel good factor: As they say on the site header "The need is constant, the gratification is instant"
Things to consider: Check out reputable locations and be alert to ensure hygienic processes are being followed to ensure there is no contamination etc. This is true any time one visits a doctor even if you are not donating blood. So this should be second nature to everyone by now. Also follow the rules they post on who can donate blood. There are age & health factors to consider as well.
Bonus Karma points: The American Red Cross site also lists ways you can host a blood drive. Check out the site for more details.
2. Walk a mile or 10 in their shoes.. a favourite cause. This may require some toning/ability. But most people can walk 3 miles (5K) easily. Some are even more fit while some are seriously into sports and fitness. Wherever you may lie on your fitness level spectrum, signing up for an event like this and training for it would make it work the best for you. There is always room to do one better and this is a great way to challenge ourselves!
Tip: Various web sites list various charity walk/run events. A simple google search yields multiple results. Here are some samples of sites that list multiple events, And of course one could look for specific events like:
Feel good factor: First of all these are all for charity. So by the mere process of signing up and showing up you have contributed. Additionally, the health benefit reaped is bonus. Usually people train and participate in teams - which helps with bonding and interpersonal relationships. Finally, and I can personally attest to this - the feeling you get, the sheer high you get in doing something like this is nothing short of amazing! I am addicted to it!
Things to consider: An appropriate fitness level is key. Early planning and sensible goals are essential. Like any long term exercise goal, slow and steady will win the race! Don't run that marathon in your 1st race if you have never run before. Start easy and then do multiple events over a period of time to build it up. Some organizations like Team in Training actually help train you as well.
Bonus Karma Points: Arrange your own event.This has the benefit of involving groups of friends and family and a focus on your favorite charity. There are different ways of doing this. But there is also help out there if you want to consider some planning steps e.g. see link below.
3. Save the earth There are any number of ways to do this - these days. Just picking even one thing can be a great start.
Replace use of grocery store plastic bags with cotton bags.
Tip: The sturdiness of the bags is going to be a huge factor. I bought several from the local Whole Foods store and I am happy to report these are pretty sturdy. I also saw the ones in Costco and seemed to be really good. I wish I could get the bags people used in India when I was growing up for grocery! Unfortunately everyone is now westernized, so one never sees them anywhere :P An added benefit for me was, no more plastic bag mess in my pantry. I *hate* seeing so many bags all together. (Clutter can drive me mad at times and not in a good way LOL!)
Walk instead of drive where possible: Simple enough, depending on the weather. I live in bay area, in a town with a great walkability index. I can walk to the grocery store, to the local starbucks, even to work(!) if I choose. Everyone needs to figure out what is most convenient for them. Sometimes it is not about the walking but about the kid pick up right after work etc. Added benefit is ofcourse, your health will improve. Increasing your activity level in such a sneaky manner especially helps those that are mostly sedentary. As the weather improves, walking can be a very zen activity. I can personally attest to it. Since I started walking & running again, I have a greater feeling of connectedness to nature and a greater sense of calm.
Reduce energy footprint: I haven't turned the heat on in my apartment all winter! Most winters I get by without heat except a night or two. It helps that I live in Bay Area in a place where it does not get that cold. I wouldn't recommend this as an option where the weather is too extreme. There are times when me and my daughter bundle up in additional layers, but I refuse to turn the heat on. I personally do not like the way the electric heat smells in my apartment. Not stinky but a bit scary - like something is about to catch fire. Any way, that's a silly reason but it got me on a good path to saving energy. Likewise on switching bulbs (if you haven't done so already) and turning off lights, water when not being used.
4. One woman's trash is another woman's treasure Think recycling. But instead of compost heaps (not that there is anything wrong with those!) think heaps of clothes, or shoes etc. I periodically review my possessions and pick out things that I no longer need or never used and never will. As long as they are in a good shape (as in , if you had to you would wear them or use them in public) they are candidates. Instead of selling them, just donate them to the local Good Will center, or Salvation army, or any other worthy willing person you can think of. I remember one Christmas had a bicycle that I had no use for. It was never used. I decided to give it to the handy man at my apartment complex. He was happy, he had transport he liked and I was happy I had less clutter. The unused item sitting in my garage was weighing on my conscience. Now it was of use to someone else. My conscience felt way lighter :) I could have tried to sell it, but the effort was simply not worth the money I would have made. Also I wouldn't have gotten the feel good high I got by giving it away.
Things to consider: Most locations have rules on the state of the item you are donating. Also exercise caution when donating to a person. You don't want to donate anything that may expose you to liability. Otherwise it may leave a sour taste in your mouth.
5. Kind words are charity too.. This was a new realization for me. But no less worthy because of that. I have realized that providing people with a benefit of doubt - whether it is a work or home situation or a more impersonal situation like someone cutting you off or trying to in traffic. If you are not in a hurry, then just let it go. Wave them ahead. Perhaps they need to get to the hospital to a loved one. Your kind gesture doesn't really cost you anything but could send some good vibes into the world. And then when you need them yourself one day, they will be there for you! An added benefit is the ability to connect with the pace of the planet instead of our mad dash about, which we keep up sometimes, even when we don't need to. Reduced stress, reduced blood pressure, improved health... what's not to like?
And now finally a plug for my favorite cause.
Bone Marrow Donation I lost a brother to Myelo-fibrosis. Which is simply put, bone marrow depression. The bone marrow stops producing white blood corpuscles - these are not replaceable with blood transfusion permanently. The body starts rejecting the transfusions after a period of time. A way to solve this is by bone marrow transplant. It is an outpatient procedure to donate marrow these days. The success rate for the recipient has improved tremendously in the past 20 odd years since my brother's demise. How you can help: Check out the site It provides details on procedure etc.
- All you need to do at this time is to register yourself with them. It requires a simple cotton swab test which can be self administered, for a cost of $52 and 30 minutes. (See website for details)
- They keep your information on file and when there is a need for a donor and if your tissue type happens to match the need they will contact you.
- Black or African American
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
- Hispanic or Latino
- Mixed heritage (multiple races)
In the immortal words of Khalil Gibran (from The Prophet) "It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding; And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving"
Peace & Love Gigi
Written by: Ms. Gitanjali GulveSehgal AKA Ms. Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal AKA Ms. Gigi Sehgal
Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Gigi Sehgal a.k.a G G Sehgal a.k.a Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal All rights reserved.