Who are you to tell me
who and how to be?
I already am.
Who are you to abuse
passwords and accounts
to portray
who and how I ought to be?
I already am.
my wishes and dreams?
They already are
and I already am.
I'm not your girl friend,
nor your ex
I don't know you or her or her or him
So who said you had permission
to creep and listen
and make up things to tell all your friends?
I'm not your shitty battleground
I am
I already am
much bigger than the thieves could ever be.
Who said I was dead
and to be treated like a seat?
Before you lower your significant weight on me,
you better realize there's room for only one human here
I already am.
There's an invisible line
that divides the dead from the living
the dead are dreaming, pretending, chasing in an effort to seem alive
the alive are living, being, struggling, out here - in the real world.
Don't tell me to truly live
I already am.
Are you?

Written by: Ms. Gitanjali GulveSehgal AKA Ms. Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal AKA Ms. Gigi Sehgal Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Gigi Sehgal a.k.a G G Sehgal a.k.a Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal All rights reserved.