I tend to use the word "abundance" in conversations with my daughter as a way to represent a state of mind which enables one to access optimism and the ability to see options or choices in everything we encounter and do.
I am an Indian American woman in her downhill slide towards mortality, who strongly believes in abundance. Perhaps I find it easy to believe in it because I grew up in India, surrounded by extreme contrasts. While extreme disparity in living conditions is not a pleasant thing to view, I believe that it was this very study of contrasts (skyscrapers near large slums, extreme wealth and extreme poverty, etc.) which gave me an easy assurance that all things are possible in life.
Rightly or wrongly, I've come to believe that often, achieving a mental state of abundance is an internal job. No amount of external help: money, friends, well-being or lack of stress will magically lead you to the abundant mind set. At any given moment you either possess it, or you don't.
I've also noticed that the simple yet powerful belief that: no matter the situation a solution exists, is enough fuel for an abundant mind.
What kept the Wright brothers from giving up? What made M. Gandhi take on one of the most complicated freedom fights in the world? What keeps dreamers from stopping? Do they have access to more money or support than others? No. The key ingredient appears to be a simple belief that the problem is inherently solvable and with ample tries, they will be able to solve the problem they encounter.
An attitude of optimism keeps the seeker seeking. And a motivated seeker will eventually access all the creative, far out, out of the box spaces. Thus improving their chances of success. An optimistic person will eventually attract all the support he/she requires to be successful. The glue to success is the belief that something is possible.
I've often used the water metaphor before to demonstrate this tenacity of belief. I've gotten mocked about it. But I think this metaphor is apt. In nature, water manages to slip through any crevice no matter how narrow. Water always finds a way. An abundant mind is like water gushing through the tiniest crevice.
So, be it a technical issue or a humanitarian one, one could be like water.
Be abundant. Believe there is a resolution, believe that you will have access to whatever resources you need and be tenacious looking for every tiny opportunity.
Be abundant. Believe that a solution is possible. I say this because I live this, each and every day. I may lose my belief occasionally but I always revert back to optimism sooner or later.
There's a saying in sanskrit "वचनेशु किम दरिद्रता ?" - Why exercise poverty in our thoughts and ideas? Everyone is free to exercise their imagination as long as we intend nor commit any harm. Imagine the possibilities.
Written by: Ms. Gitanjali GulveSehgal AKA Ms. Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal AKA Ms. Gigi Sehgal
Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Gigi Sehgal a.k.a G G Sehgal a.k.a Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal All rights reserved.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Believe in abundance
Cupertino, California, USA
California, USA