Do you think when the world comes to an end there will be a sound?
It is believed that the sound at the start of the Universe was ऊँ।। But what do you suppose will the sound at the end of the world be? Can you hear it coming nearer?
A distant thunder
A dull roar
A crescendo slowly building...
Something so trivial right now , it hasn't fully realized in your consciousness. But it keeps growing louder and pushing itself farther and farther into your line of vision. Suddenly it is there and hard to ignore. Hard to deal with. Dissonance. Contrary to everything you ever thought of anything.
Suddenly THERE.
And all the bad deeds and sins committed against innocents will be suddenly as hard to ignore , punishments just as difficult to avoid.
I believe the only deliverance is a clear conscience. Which is too late to start building but one never knows. I don't claim to be a supreme being. Just an ordinary do-gooder nobody here
By the way, swords are not something Hindus play with , I always thought it was the beheader's special weapon...
And ditto on the wet pool maidens. Standing next to the pool is not the same as swimming naked in it and hiding behind a Hindu saint's name after all. Then again, someone's love for filthy lucre makes them a puppet of the east so any words can come out of any of their mouths at any time...
This is me, standing next to a pool. And if a sword is what needs to be handed I'd do it . But explain to me, how did YOUR well funded highly mandated by-the-masses chamber built for YOUR dictatorial puppet of the east fail against that of a nobody like a saintly woman standing next to a pool? It's enough to believe in Karma and Divinity and a benevolent God somewhere out there!
Jai Ganesha!
Written by Ms. Gitanjali GulveSehgal AKA Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal AKA Ms. Gigi Sehgal
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Thursday, March 1, 2018
Sounds at end of the world ( Semi fictional )