Thursday, October 25, 2012
Blue Sky Holiday
Those who know me know my habit of walking outside with my gaze firmly trained up to the skies above. During daytime perfect azure skies bring an instant feeling of utter peace and bliss. At night time looking up garners a vision of million twinkling beacons and a moon which is in turns coy, grinning or just vanishing quicker than the Cheshire Cat. This is certainly not an affectation but a permanent chronic condition since childhood, and definitely not meant for any life actresses to now start emulating on the fly. (Walking around in high heels while simultaneously looking up to the skies can be hazardous to said model's health - I'm guessing)
Lately the skies around where I live are starting to force their attention on me even more than usual. There is a distinct feeling of something is in the air and about to erupt on the scene in a huge manner. As I said before, I am in love with inanimate objects. And the sky is one of the inanimate objects that enthrall me no matter where I am nor what I may be doing.
I am being fanciful. But I catch myself asking out loud to no one in particular -"AM I the only one seeing this?" Those clouds have been portentous to say the least, and extremely inspiring to say the most. After the heavy rain a few days ago the sky cleared up and all that remained of the solid-demanding-respect clouds up in the sky were fleeting nebulous fingers of the formally majestic clouds, chaotically pointing at no one in particular.
As I drove back home today from work I caught a shy moon peeking out at the bold late evening sun in its last dying golden glory. A doomed love from the start - since one fully rises only after the other fully sets, yet, it is a love so poetically fragile and dramatically marketable that I had to stop and catch my breath at both the whimsical beauty of my brain's synaptic misfire and the joy of having found yet another thing to make money out of, in addition to my full time job in the tech industry - (And that was sarcasm).
What am I even writing this drivel about? Well, drivel it is. But it is also honest drivel. This is how I felt and that is what I am recording here. If this somehow in some weird incredible manner matches something that is happening in one of my readers' life (Ha! like anyone reads this drivel!), I hope they realize that I don't even own a TV.
And the point of today's blog, if indeed there is any point to this blog, is about giving to yourself.
In all the giving you do, stop and savor a bit of giving to your own self. Give a moment's peace, a moment's mental vacation to catch a flight to whimsy (not as in Lord Peter Death ) and see what it does to your day. I for one felt refreshed and alive right after getting past the panic attack induced by wondering if clouds that were that seemingly low slung had any business being so, and if it meant that alien beings were hiding inside them ready to burst out and completely ruin my day.
They weren't. That happened in my non work email inbox. But that's a story for another day......
I post this really late in the night (2:11 AM PST My time) and to yes, this IS TOO real life.
Written by: Ms. Gitanjali GulveSehgal AKA Ms. Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal AKA Ms. Gigi Sehgal Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Gigi Sehgal a.k.a G G Sehgal a.k.a Gitanjali Gulve Sehgal All rights reserved.

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